Reflections by Anamika Das

As I was contemplating last week, I was amazed by the life and journey of Jesus Christ. He is the Son of God who came to this world through virgin birth making Him a sinless child. As described in the book of Isaiah chapter 53 verse 2, Jesus grew up like a tender shoot as well as in wisdom, stature and favour according to Luke 2:52. He was baptised, anointed and approved by God when the Holy Spirit came upon Him from heaven like a dove and the voice of God declared Him as the beloved Son of God with whom He is well pleased. When Jesus started his ministry, He performed a lot of miracles and delivered many people from their sicknesses. He influenced a lot of people and made disciples too. He spoke to people with love and compassion and at the same time rebuked the Pharisees for their hypocrisy with authority. He always taught the people about the Kingdom of God. When the right time had come He was betrayed by his close friend Judas with a kiss and handed over to the Sanhedrin. He was later sentenced to crucifixion by Pontius Pilate. He was savagely flogged and paraded before the crowd with a heavy wooden cross on His back. He was stripped of his clothing, tied and beaten until his flesh hung in shreds. He was despised and rejected by men. He went through the worst kind of death that any human being could ever bear. Many historians who have studied the crucifixion of Jesus have written that the punishment borne by Jesus was designed or executed in such a way that He could never become unconscious which means He was forced to bear every pain inflicted upon Him until his last breath on the cross.

What surprises me is that in the midst of all these pain, Jesus never displayed any negative emotions of anger or hatred towards anybody even to the cross. He was very silent. He never complained or murmured about anything that He went through. In fact, He asked God to forgive all the soldiers who crucified Him brutally. He bore every pain silently so that we can be free of any feeling of loneliness, rejection, pain and suffering. He died on the cross for each one of our sins silently because He wanted to set each one of us free.

Jesus was crucified and buried in a tomb but death could not hold him, but He rose up from the grave, was ascended to heaven and He is coming back again as a judge both for the living and the dead.

Yes, Jesus died for you and for me and one day He is coming back again to take us all who believe in Him home (heaven). The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Do you want to have this eternal life? You just have to acknowledge that you have sinned, and that Jesus died for your sins. Believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and then you will be saved forever.

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