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Life changing meal

Sermon by Ps. Sunil Kumar

Today we’ll read from the book of Luke Gospel 19:1-10 for meditation which narrates from the life of a tax collector named Zacchaeus.
Zacchaeus was a chief tax collector and was extremely wealthy yet there was something lacking in his life and that was good friends. Those days the tax collectors were not respected but were considered a little lower than a prostitute. They had absolutely no value in the society. Tax collectors use to collect more than what was ordered by the authorities and the remaining money they took it for their own personal benefit. Since they were openly stealing the money from the people under the covering of tax collection, they were always hated.
When Zacchaeus heard that Jesus was passing by his place, eagerly he went to see him. As he was trying to figure out who Jesus is, he couldn’t even see him due to his short stature hence he climbed the Sycamore tree. Surprisingly something happened on that day which changed the life of Zacchaeus completely. Jesus stood under that tree and called Zacchaeus by his name. He didn’t just call him by name but chose to visit Zacchaeus house too. We can see that God is clearly able to identify us even if we do not approach him. God knows each one of us and calls us by our name.
Zacchaeus seemed to be a very well-known person in a negative way because everybody in the town hated to be acquainted with him, but Jesus was different. He invited himself to Zacchaeus home. Jesus chose to be a friend with a person whom nobody even wanted to be connected to. Jesus went to a home where nobody even wanted to pass by. People started muttering about Jesus saying he is going to be the guest of a man who is a sinner, yet He went ahead to have dinner with him. In our lives too people will always question our motives and intentions, but always remember that Jesus came to this world for the sinners so let us also follow Him.
Meals are a powerful medium which can break barriers. We always sit face to face while having food hence it’s a perfect icebreaker. Jesus wanted to break every barrier with Zacchaeus. Meal indicates a value hence an invitation for a meal communicates value to the other person. Meals enable us to honor one another and that’s what Zacchaeus felt when Jesus visited his home for dinner.
Meals can lead to transformation as in verse 8 we can see that Zacchaeus was completely transformed, to an extent that he was willing to give away half of his wealth to the poor people. It didn’t just stop in transformation, He even repented of his wrongdoing and was willing to repay back four times the wrong he had done to the people. Repentance doesn’t come easily but when it comes it cost the person a lot as we can see in Zacchaeus case, it cost him his lifetime earnings and savings to repent of his sins.
One gesture from Jesus turned the tables around for a man like Zacchaeus. Jesus has set a powerful example for each one of us to have meals and be friends with the unfriendly people, love the unlovable and care for the careless ones. Like Jesus, we too are called to be a pleasing aroma to the people around us. (2 Corinthians 2:15). Every conversation or every meal may not lead to a powerful transformation, but it is our calling to keep on trying and continue to have life changing meals with people without getting discouraged. We need to start with prayer as prayer is the key to all relationships and transformed lives just like Jesus prayed for people before meeting them. Let us all rise to our calling of prayer and reach out to the people around us with the love and compassion that Jesus displayed to us through His own life.

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